:MISSION2 gosub @KOD_MISSII2 if wasted_or_busted Jf @PROPUSK_KODA2 gosub @KOD_PROVALA2 :PROPUSK_KODA2 gosub @UDALENIE_KODA2 end_thread :KOD_MISSII2 increment_mission_attempts $ONMISSION = 1 $FUKCFLAG = 0 0110: clear_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level fade 0 0 wait 500 player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = false 02A3: toggle_widescreen 1 0581: toggle_radar 0 0826: toggle_hud 0 model.Load(#PEREN) model.Load(#BMOST) model.Load(#BMYCR) model.Load(#WBDYG1) model.Load(#WBDYG2) model.Load(#SWMYHP1) 04ED: load_animation "GANGS" 04ED: load_animation "CASINO" 038B: load_requested_models car.Create(0@,#PEREN,1726.5345, -2358.9932, 10.0) car.Angle(0@) = 269.8993 actor.Create(1@,3,#MALE01,1727.1882, -2357.7185, 10.0) actor.Angle(1@) = 7.4255 0605: actor 1@ perform_animation_sequence "LEANIDLE" IFP_file "GANGS" 4.0 loop 1 0 0 0 time 999999 // versionA actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR,1738.7809, -2348.1123, 11.0) actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 92.2767 Camera.SetPosition(1725.1582, -2356.8831, 12.8057,0.0,0.0,0.0) //Camera.PointAt(-570.0261, -1695.4238, 41.0837, 2) Camera.OnPed($PLAYER_ACTOR, 15, 2) 05D9: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR run_to_actor 1@ timelimit 15000 stop_within_radius 1.0 0229: set_car 0@ primary_color_to 6 secondary_color_to 6 wait 1000 fade 1 500 wait 500 00BA: text_styled '1590' 2000 ms 2 wait 2000 wait 1000 :FUCK wait 0 if 0104: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 1@ radius 1.0 1.0 5.0 sphere 0 jf @FUCK 0605: actor 1@ perform_animation_sequence "LEANIDLE" IFP_file "GANGS" 4.0 loop 1 0 0 0 time 500 // versionA wait 500 0A1D: AS_actor 1@ rotate_to_and_look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0A1D: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotate_to_and_look_at_actor 1@ wait 1000 $RACEMUS =Audiostream.Load("CLEO\MP3\FUCK4.MP3") Audiostream.Volume($RACEMUS) = 0.2 Audiostream.PerformAction($RACEMUS, PLAY) 0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 3000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1528' time 3000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 2000 0605: actor 1@ perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 3000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1531' time 3000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 3000 0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 3000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1532' time 4000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 4000 0605: actor 1@ perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 3000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1538' time 4000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 4000 0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 7000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1529' time 7000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 1000 Audiostream.PerformAction($RACEMUS, STOP) 05CB: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR enter_car 0@ as_driver 10000 ms 05CA: AS_actor 1@ enter_car 0@ passenger_seat 0 10000 ms :FUCK_2 wait 0 if and actor.InCar(1@,0@) actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR,0@) jf @FUCK_2 player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = true 041E: set_radio_station 1 0581: toggle_radar 1 0826: toggle_hud 1 02A3: toggle_widescreen 0 camera.SetBehindPlayer() camera.Restore() 32@ = 120000 014E: set_timer_to 32@ type 1 03C3: set_timer_with_text_to 32@ type 1 text '1545' 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1539' time 7500 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. 03BC: 4@ = create_sphere_at 2748.8367 -2457.916 21.3114 radius 4.0 018A: 10@ = create_checkpoint_at 2748.8367 -2457.916 21.3114 jump to @Fuck_4 //:CAMERA //wait 0 //:KOD_PROVALA2_1 //wait 0 //$FUKCFLAG = 1 //$Timer = 0 014F: stop_timer $Timer ////marker.Disable(11@) //03BD: destroy_sphere 4@ //jump to @FUCK_ME :Fuck_4 wait 100 01EB: set_traffic_density_multiplier_to 4.0 if and not car.Wrecked(0@) not actor.Dead(1@) jf @KOD_PROVALA if not $Timer < 1 jf @KOD_PROVALA2 if actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR,0@) jf @MISSION2_CAR_DEL if 00EF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 near_point 2748.8367 -2457.916 21.3114 radius 4.0 4.0 stopped jf @Fuck_4 32@ = 0 wait 1000 014F: stop_timer 32@ marker.Disable(10@) 03BD: destroy_sphere 4@ :FUCK_ME_5 wait 0 fade 0 500 wait 500 player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = false car.PutAt(0@,2747.2324, -2457.6677, 21.3092) car.Angle(0@) = 273.5646 actor.Create(11@,24,#BMOST,2743.2234, -2461.1707, 21.8921) actor.Angle(11@) = 273.5646 actor.Create(12@,24,#BMYCR,2742.8237, -2459.2986 ,21.8921) actor.Angle(12@) = 273.5646 actor.Create(13@,24,#WBDYG1,2741.8237 ,-2459.2986, 21.8921) actor.Angle(13@) = 273.5646 actor.Create(14@,24,#WBDYG2,2740.8237 ,-2459.2986, 21.8921) actor.Angle(14@) = 273.5646 actor.Create(15@,24,#SWMYHP1,2739.8237 ,-2459.2986, 21.8921) actor.Angle(15@) = 273.5646 //////////////////////////////////////// 0209: 20@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 7 0781: get_weapon_with_ID 20@ model_to 21@ Model.Load(21@) 038B: load_requested_models 01B2: give_actor 11@ weapon 20@ ammo 999 // Load the weapon model before using this //////////////////////////// 0209: 20@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 7 0781: get_weapon_with_ID 20@ model_to 21@ Model.Load(21@) 038B: load_requested_models 01B2: give_actor 12@ weapon 20@ ammo 999 // Load the weapon model before using this //////////////////////////// 0209: 20@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 7 0781: get_weapon_with_ID 20@ model_to 21@ Model.Load(21@) 038B: load_requested_models 01B2: give_actor 13@ weapon 20@ ammo 999 // Load the weapon model before using this //////////////////////////// 0209: 20@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 7 0781: get_weapon_with_ID 20@ model_to 21@ Model.Load(21@) 038B: load_requested_models 01B2: give_actor 14@ weapon 20@ ammo 999 // Load the weapon model before using this //////////////////////////// 0209: 20@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 7 0781: get_weapon_with_ID 20@ model_to 21@ Model.Load(21@) 038B: load_requested_models 01B2: give_actor 15@ weapon 20@ ammo 999 // Load the weapon model before using this //////////////////////////// 0209: 20@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 7 0781: get_weapon_with_ID 20@ model_to 21@ Model.Load(21@) 038B: load_requested_models 01B2: give_actor 1@ weapon 20@ ammo 999 // Load the weapon model before using this 02A3: toggle_widescreen 1 0581: toggle_radar 0 0826: toggle_hud 0 //0605: actor 11@ perform_animation_sequence "MANWIND" IFP_file "CASINO" 4.0 loop 1 1 0 0 time 12000 // versionA //0605: actor 12@ perform_animation_sequence "MANWIND" IFP_file "CASINO" 4.0 loop 1 1 0 0 time 12000 // versionA //0605: actor 13@ perform_animation_sequence "MANWIND" IFP_file "CASINO" 4.0 loop 1 1 0 0 time 12000 // versionA //0605: actor 14@ perform_animation_sequence "MANWIND" IFP_file "CASINO" 4.0 loop 1 1 0 0 time 12000 // versionA //0605: actor 15@ perform_animation_sequence "MANWIND" IFP_file "CASINO" 4.0 loop 1 1 0 0 time 12000 // versionA Camera.SetPosition(2746.6523, -2457.8074, 22.7276,0.0,0.0,0.0) Camera.OnPed(11@, 15, 2) fade 1 1000 wait 1000 $RACEMUS =Audiostream.Load("CLEO\MP3\FUCK7.MP3") Audiostream.Volume($RACEMUS) = 0.2 Audiostream.PerformAction($RACEMUS, PLAY) //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1540' time 3000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 2000 Camera.SetPosition(2746.6523, -2457.8074, 22.7276,0.0,0.0,0.0) Camera.OnPed(12@, 15, 1) wait 2000 //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1541' time 5000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. Camera.SetPosition(2746.6523, -2457.8074, 22.7276,0.0,0.0,0.0) Camera.OnPed(13@, 15, 1) wait 2000 Camera.SetPosition(2746.6523, -2457.8074, 22.7276,0.0,0.0,0.0) Camera.OnPed(14@, 15, 1) wait 3000 Camera.SetPosition(2746.6523, -2457.8074, 22.7276,0.0,0.0,0.0) Camera.OnPed(15@, 15, 1) //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1542' time 3000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 3000 fade 0 500 wait 500 actor.Health(1@) = 200 $DMITRIU_HEALTH = actor.Health(1@) 04F7: status_text $DMITRIU_HEALTH type 1 line 1 GXT '1543' // global_variable 05CD: AS_actor 1@ exit_car 0@ 05CD: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR exit_car 0@ wait 3000 0581: toggle_radar 1 0826: toggle_hud 1 02A3: toggle_widescreen 0 camera.SetBehindPlayer() camera.Restore() marker.CreateAboveActor(20@,11@) marker.CreateAboveActor(21@,12@) marker.CreateAboveActor(22@,13@) marker.CreateAboveActor(23@,14@) marker.CreateAboveActor(24@,15@) 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1544' time 7500 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. fade 1 500 wait 500 0850: AS_actor 1@ follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0631: put_actor 1@ in_group $PLAYER_GROUP 077A: set_actor 1@ acquaintance 4 to_actors_pedtype 24 // see ped.dat 077A: set_actor 11@ acquaintance 4 to_actors_pedtype 0 // see ped.dat 077A: set_actor 12@ acquaintance 4 to_actors_pedtype 0 // see ped.dat 077A: set_actor 13@ acquaintance 4 to_actors_pedtype 0 // see ped.dat 077A: set_actor 14@ acquaintance 4 to_actors_pedtype 0 // see ped.dat 077A: set_actor 15@ acquaintance 4 to_actors_pedtype 0 // see ped.dat 05E2: AS_actor 11@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 05E2: AS_actor 12@ kill_actor 1@ 05E2: AS_actor 13@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 05E2: AS_actor 14@ kill_actor 1@ 05E2: AS_actor 15@ kill_actor 1@ 05E2: AS_actor 1@ kill_actor 11@ 05E2: AS_actor 1@ kill_actor 12@ 05E2: AS_actor 1@ kill_actor 13@ 05E2: AS_actor 1@ kill_actor 14@ 05E2: AS_actor 1@ kill_actor 15@ 02A9: set_actor 11@ immune_to_nonplayer 1 060B: set_actor 11@ decision_maker_to 65542 02A9: set_actor 12@ immune_to_nonplayer 1 060B: set_actor 12@ decision_maker_to 65542 02A9: set_actor 13@ immune_to_nonplayer 1 060B: set_actor 13@ decision_maker_to 65542 02A9: set_actor 14@ immune_to_nonplayer 1 060B: set_actor 14@ decision_maker_to 65542 02A9: set_actor 15@ immune_to_nonplayer 1 060B: set_actor 15@ decision_maker_to 65542 //0605: actor 11@ perform_animation_sequence "MANWIND" IFP_file "CASINO" 4.0 loop 1 1 0 0 time 1 // versionA //0605: actor 12@ perform_animation_sequence "MANWIND" IFP_file "CASINO" 4.0 loop 1 1 0 0 time 1 // versionA //0605: actor 13@ perform_animation_sequence "MANWIND" IFP_file "CASINO" 4.0 loop 1 1 0 0 time 1 // versionA //0605: actor 14@ perform_animation_sequence "MANWIND" IFP_file "CASINO" 4.0 loop 1 1 0 0 time 1 // versionA //0605: actor 15@ perform_animation_sequence "MANWIND" IFP_file "CASINO" 4.0 loop 1 1 0 0 time 1 // versionA actor.Health(11@) = 160 actor.Health(12@) = 160 actor.Health(13@) = 160 actor.Health(14@) = 160 actor.Health(15@) = 160 $ACTOR1_DEAD = 3 $ACTOR2_DEAD = 3 $ACTOR3_DEAD = 3 $ACTOR4_DEAD = 3 $ACTOR5_DEAD = 3 player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = true :DEAD_1 wait 0 if not $ACTOR1_DEAD == 1 jf @DEAD_2 if not actor.Dead(11@) jf @DEAD_1_YES :DEAD_2 wait 0 if not $ACTOR2_DEAD == 1 jf @DEAD_3 if not actor.Dead(12@) jf @DEAD_2_YES :DEAD_3 wait 0 if not $ACTOR3_DEAD == 1 jf @DEAD_4 if not actor.Dead(13@) jf @DEAD_3_YES :DEAD_4 wait 0 if not $ACTOR4_DEAD == 1 jf @DEAD_5 if not actor.Dead(14@) jf @DEAD_4_YES :DEAD_5 wait 0 if not $ACTOR1_DEAD == 1 jf @DEAD_6 if not actor.Dead(12@) jf @DEAD_5_YES :DEAD_6 wait 0 if not actor.Dead(1@) jf @KOD_PROVALA2 jump to @DEAD_7 :DEAD_7 wait 50 $DMITRIU_HEALTH = actor.Health(1@) 04F7: status_text $DMITRIU_HEALTH type 1 line 1 GXT '1543' // global_variable if and actor.Dead(11@) actor.Dead(12@) actor.Dead(13@) actor.Dead(14@) actor.Dead(15@) jf @DEAD_1 0151: remove_status_text $DMITRIU_HEALTH fade 0 500 wait 500 //02A3: toggle_widescreen 1 0581: toggle_radar 0 0826: toggle_hud 0 camera.SetBehindPlayer() player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = false 05D9: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR run_to_actor 1@ timelimit 10000 stop_within_radius 1.0 05D9: AS_actor 1@ run_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR timelimit 10000 stop_within_radius 1.0 fade 1 500 wait 500 :FUCK_5 wait 0 if 00F2: actor 1@ near_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR radius 1.0 1.0 0 jf @FUCK_5 0639: AS_actor 1@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0639: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotate_to_actor 1@ wait 1000 $RACEMUS =Audiostream.Load("CLEO\MP3\FUCK8.MP3") Audiostream.Volume($RACEMUS) = 0.2 Audiostream.PerformAction($RACEMUS, PLAY) 0605: actor 1@ perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 3000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1546' time 4000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 2000 0605: actor 1@ perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 4000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1547' time 4000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 2000 0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 7000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1548' time 7000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 3000 0605: actor 1@ perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 6000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1549' time 6000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 4000 0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 3000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1650' time 3000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 2000 0605: actor 1@ perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 3000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1851' time 3000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 3000 0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation_sequence "IDLE_CHAT" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 0 time 3000 // versionA //00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1552' time 3000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. wait 900 Audiostream.PerformAction($RACEMUS, STOP) fade 0 500 wait 500 actor.DestroyWithFade(1@) fade 1 500 wait 500 jump to @UDACHNO2 :DEAD_1_YES wait 0 $ACTOR1_DEAD = 1 marker.Disable(20@) jump to @DEAD_1 :DEAD_2_YES wait 0 $ACTOR2_DEAD = 1 marker.Disable(21@) jump to @DEAD_1 :DEAD_3_YES wait 0 $ACTOR3_DEAD = 1 marker.Disable(22@) jump to @DEAD_1 :DEAD_4_YES wait 0 $ACTOR4_DEAD = 1 marker.Disable(23@) jump to @DEAD_1 :DEAD_5_YES wait 0 $ACTOR5_DEAD = 1 marker.Disable(24@) jump to @DEAD_1 :MISSION2_CAR_DEL wait 0 $RACEMUS =Audiostream.Load("CLEO\MP3\FUCK15.MP3") Audiostream.Volume($RACEMUS) = 0.2 Audiostream.PerformAction($RACEMUS, PLAY) 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1534' time 7500 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. marker.Disable(10@) //marker.CreateAboveCar(11@,0@) //marker.SetColor(11@,2) jump to @MISSION2_CAR_CHECK :MISSION2_CAR_CHECK wait 0 if and not car.Wrecked(0@) not actor.Dead(1@) jf @KOD_PROVALA2 if actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR,0@) jf @MISSION2_CAR_CHECK //marker.Disable(11@) 018A: 10@ = create_checkpoint_at 2748.8367 -2457.916 21.3114 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT '1539' time 7500 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. jump to @Fuck_4 //---------------------------- Тут пишется сама миссия -------------------- :UDACHNO2 // ------- Сюда надо делать переход(Jump), если миссия удалась --- wait 0 01E3: text_1number_styled 'M_PASS' 500 2000 ms 1 Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += 500 0110: clear_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level 0394: play_music 1 $ONMISSION = 0 $MISSION_MARKER_NUMBER = 24 $MISSION_MARKER_X = 1737.2885 //-2343.2878 11.001 $MISSION_MARKER_Y = -2360.4482 //-2343.2878 11.001 $MISSION_MARKER_Z = 11.001 //-2343.2878 11.001 $MISSION_NUMBER = 2 $START_MISSION_NUMBER = 2 create_thread @MISSION_TRIGGER gosub @PROPUSK_KODA2 return :KOD_PROVALA2 //--- Сюда надо делать переход(Jump), если миссия провалена -- 00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'M_FAIL' time 2000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00. $RACEMUS =Audiostream.Load("CLEO\MP3\FUCK16.MP3") Audiostream.Volume($RACEMUS) = 0.2 Audiostream.PerformAction($RACEMUS, PLAY) $MISSION_MARKER_NUMBER = 24 $MISSION_MARKER_X = 1737.11 //-2343.2878 11.001 $MISSION_MARKER_Y = -2343.2878 //-2343.2878 11.001 $MISSION_MARKER_Z = 11.001 //-2343.2878 11.001 $START_MISSION_NUMBER = 1 $ONMISSION = 0 $MISSION_NUMBER = 1 create_thread @MISSION_REDO mission_cleanup return